Wednesday, March 27, 2013

While perusing the internet...

and deciding what I wanted to post on the blog next, I started Pinning. This lead to me finding some really humorous things I just HAD to share with you all.

So to make it up to you all for not posting yesterday....

For those times when you're attempting to make a password and you just can't.

Guns vs. Toast

That's perfectly fitting for how I feel about the weather right now.
When we take too long to get ready.

This is why we must wash our hands after using the bathroom.

Broken rubbers...

How do you like your eggs??

Hopefully some of them made you smile. ^^
- Hakuna Matata -

Saturday, March 23, 2013

DIY Decorated Beer Bottle Vases

One of my favorite things in this entire world is Mod Podge. It's a versatile glue-type substance that you can use for anything. I seriously mean anything. It is not only a glue, but a sealant and finisher. I have used it for a lot of my DIY projects in the past, as it's only about $6 for a bottle of it that will go a LONG way. I've had two bottles and they have lasted me almost two years so far! Possibly the best investment I have ever made in the DIY department.

Anyway, I'm always looking for ways to liven up my apartment, since I live with two boys. Most of my walls are full of huge posters of naked girls and sports paraphernalia (not that I'm not a sports fan). In their defense, they pay for it, so it's forgivable, but sometime's I just want something to make our place a little more exciting.

As I stated, I live with boys. Two college boys, to be exact. Therefor, there are always plenty of beer bottles hanging around the apartment or in the trash. One night, I was bored while they were playing video games, and decided to do something with them. I grabbed my Mod Podge and my bottles and went to work.

I happened to have a lot of tissue paper lying around from a previous DIY I did, so I figured why not use it instead of having it lay around in the way. This is what I ended up with after a few hours of hard work (; It's a great way to brighten up a room, especially with Spring being this close but still having snow on the ground!

As usual, I'm on a budget. So the total cost of this DIY was around $4, because I only had to pay for the fake flowers.

Here's a breakdown of exactly what I used along with cost -REMEMBER: you do NOT have to use the exact same brands as I did, like the bottles for example -
1. Case of Land Shark beer (emptied and washed out) $30
2. Mod Podge $6
3. Paint Brush $1
4. Tissue Paper $1/each
5. Fake flowers $1/each

So you want to make them?? Well, here you go.

1. Empty (or drink) the bottles (;
2. Wash out bottles completely
3. Pick out tissue papers you'd like. I got mine from Dollar General, Family Dollar and Dollar tree.
4. Paint a thin base of mod podge all over bottle, as quickly, but efficiently as possible.
5. Carefully lay tissue paper on bottle and wrap it around the bottom 'fat part'
6. Cut the extra paper off in a straight line right at the mouth of the bottle (or however high you would like it to go)
7. Mod podge the neck and lip of the bottle, and use your hands to twist the tissue paper around the neck. You may need to add extra mod podge to certain parts because some of the tissue will be overlapping and laying on other tissue, not the mod podged bottle. Just remember to do this carefully. Tissue paper is already fragile, and the mod podge tends to make it very weak and it can rip easily. A few of my bottles have small tears, but I just left them, because I personally love mistakes in art - it makes it completely unique to you!
8. Once the paper is on the bottle how you would like it to look at dry, Paint a complete coat of mod podge on top of the tissue paper to act as a sealant. This way the tissue paper wont just rip off or fall off when getting wet.

Here is my end product. I'm not done yet, but I ran out of bottles! In order from left to right, there's a teal bottle, a pink zebra bottle, a paisley bottle, a pink cheetah bottle, a striped bottle and an orange bottle. - TIP:  Try and match your flowers to the bottle colors! It makes it look a little more elegant, I think!

Doesn't it just remind you of spring?!

-Hakuna Matata-

Chevron Nail Tutorial

So I promised some nail tutorials. I thought I'd start out with one of my personal favorites, the chevron nail. It's huge this Spring, and will be a great technique for some seriously cute Easter nails (Easter egg's anyone?)! Want to know how to do it? I will be teaching you with a few of my personal favorite colors that work well, especially for spring! Though, you can use any color you'd like (:

Step 1 - Gather supplies. You'll need two colors of polish (I used L.A. Colors from the dollar store in Bloom and Finger Paints from Sally's Beauty Supply in Cupcake Heaven), a clear topcoat, tape and scissors.

Step 2 - Paint a base coat onto nail in one color. Let dry and paint a second if necessary. MAKE SURE BASE COAT IS DRIED COMPLETELY.

Step 3 - Cut very thin, long pieces of tape, try and get them at straight and even as possible. For on nail, you will need 3-4 skinny strips (possibly more).

Step 4 - Cut thing strips of tape into equal sized little rectangles. These pieces will be used to create the 'chevron' look on the nail. It's hard to see where the tape is in my photo, so I'll use this photo as a guide. See where the tape is cut into strips then laid in a zigzag pattern? This is the look you want to go for. Try and my the lines as even as possible.

Step 5 - Paint over with your other color choice. Mine is a light blue. It doesn't have to be perfect, and the tape will guide the paint to where it needs to be without covering the contrasting color. Let dry.

Step 6 - After polish has dried, SLOWLY and carefully peel tape off. I peeled each piece off separately to try and get it as even as possible without lifting the color off the base coat.

Step 7 - Finish with a clear top coat. There you go, easy chevron nails that look like the cutest little Easter egg. Feel free to add any decoration you'd like (see my very first photo in this post, I added a little white strip to mine). You could do dots, glitter, little stripes, anything! Be creative!

Hopefully yours turnes out better than mine, as I was so tired after work I didn't slow down enough to get it perfect. The more time you have and the slower you go, the better your finished product will be! Good luck trying it out, and let me know how yours turns out and what color combinations you like best!

- Hakuna Matata -

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring Is Around The Corner!

Well, technically it is already spring. But it's a blizzard out there, so it doesn't quite feel like it yet. But anyway, I thought I'd share a few of my favorite spring ideas and trends for this year with you all, while also giving you some sneak peaks on what's coming up soon on the blog. (:

Spring Nail Colors -
Camera by Essie

Mellow Yellow by Sally Hansen

Where's My Chaffeur by Essie

Spring Nail Trends -
Pastel & Caviar
Vintage Flower Nails

Ombre Inspired

Spring Hair Trends -
Braids, Braids, Braids!!!
More Braids!
Braids are in right now! The good thing? They're EASY with a little practice. And they keep you cool while the weather starts warming up!
Stay tuned for some braid DIY ideas and tips!

Waves are in. Not curls, per say, but a natural, pretty wave. Lucky for us, waves are easy, even with straight hair! Keep watching for an anyhair wave DIY!

Spring Fashion Trends -
Kate Spade
Louis Vuitton

I love the 60's, so naturally I'm absolutely OBSESSED with this trend. Keep an eye out for outfits inspired by the 60's you can wear this spring!

Stripes are cool, we just need to know how to wear them! Tips and tricks on how to wear this newest spring trend will be featured very soon!

If you're like me, you love sunglasses.
Well lucky for us, they're in this spring! I will be on the hunt for some super sweet, budget-savvy sunglasses to share with you all! 

DIY Wall Art

Yep, pinterest-inspired art for the wall. Here's how mine turned out. Have you tried it?! Show me?
If you haven't, would you like to try it?

All your need is a hairdryer, crayons and tape!

1. Peel off crayon wrappers and decide on colors.
(Now is also when you would want to lay tape down on your canvas to make designs or words where the melted crayon WILL NOT be)

2. Tape a row of crayons onto top of canvas or other material (I used a thick cardstock paper, but the colors did bleed a little)

3. Set hairdryer on low (or high if you're impatient, but you don't have as much personal direction) and heat crayons. You'll see they start melting and dripping down the page, mixing together to create a one-of-a-kind, bright piece of artwork!

4. Frame if you'd like, or just hang on the wall as-is. Isn't it gorgeous!? And guess what, no one else has that artwork, ever, in the history of mankind! Isn't that cool to think about? Even if you're not an artist, this is a simple, easy DIY you can do with things you have sitting around the house that can give you a once in a lifetime piece of art!

Hope you enjoy trying it yourself, sometime I'll add photos to the steps, but right now, I do not have a hairdryer! Oh the pains...

- Hakuna Matata -

Custom Iphone Cases - DIY

Sick of buying a cool $20 phone case just to see twenty people the next day with the same case?? Me too. So I was on a hunt for phone cases that wouldn't break the budget, because I'm addicted to phone cases and I switch mine out, ALL THE TIME. Of course I love phone cases from Urban Outfitters , like these...

I like quirky phone cases. Since you can't do a lot of customization with Iphones, the case is pretty much my most important part of my phone. It shows a little part about me or my mood. As I said before, my problem is, my tastes and moods change EVERYDAY. And I absolutely  afford a million different phone cases that are $15+ not including shipping. So what did I do? I improvised!

Check out my phone currently.
Notice how similar it looks to the $20 one from Urban Outfitters? Too bad it was only $3! But the best part about this case...

I can change the look, anytime, anywhere, in about 2 minutes. (Sorry you can't really see the colors, but its now a striped case, my webcam is awful). So, want to know how to do it??

With a little bit of time and around $3, you too can have this very versatile and customizable phone case.

Step 1 - Go to and search for clear phone cases. Here's the one I got. It's $1.65 + free shipping. Order it!

Step 2 - Here's where the time comes in...waiting for a phone case to ship from Hong Kong (I believe) takes a while. I got mine in less than two weeks.

Step 3 - If you're an artist like me, you can start working on little doodles or designs or paintings you would like to show off for your new case when you get it. When I'm pressed for time, I just use tissue paper, so if you're not an artist, no worries - I will include other ideas for you! **hint: the thinner the paper the better, if possible, use a sheet of printer papers to draw on. Card stock can make it a little to thick so the case won't actually clip onto your phone!

Step 4 - When the case FINALLY arrives (trust me, you'll be running to the mail box everyday...a little exercise doesn't hurt anyway), you can feel free to customize it however you would like! Here's some ideas you can use to make your phone case totally YOU.

  • Paintings -free
  • Drawings -free
  • Tissue paper (that is what I used in my above example pictures) from the dollar store -$1
  • Printed paper -free (if you have a printer)
  • Ticket stubs/Momentos -depends
Here's some ideas of what you could use if you're not so creatively-inclined...
Funny photos (you'll be the only one with this case)
Photos of places you love, or have visited.  

designs ( I personally love Aztec)
Your personal photos (hi boyfriend!)

The possibilities are ENDLESS! Please post your own creations if you try, I would love to see them! Have fun, and don't forget to switch out your phone cases all the time! Keep everyone guessing, eventually all your friends will want to know where you get your awesome and creative cases!

- Hakuna Matata -

Zip-Loc Bag Nail Painting

Ever wanted cool designs on your nails without the mess? I found the perfect way.
ZipLoc Bags! Look how easy...

1. Gather supplies
         - ZipLoc Bag
         - Nail Polish
         - Tweezers

2. Paint base onto bag (for example, I did white so I could do a 'marble' nail idea). Add whatever extras you would like (like my cool colors that I mixed together).

3. LET DRY COMPLETELY (if you don't, the polish will rip or stick on the bag) and use tweezers to pull you're design off the bag

4. Paint clear polish onto nail.

5. Press the design onto nail lightly. Smooth out any bumps or creases. Apply topcoat and let dry.

All done! Easy as that. It a lot less messy than painting designs or trying to do the water marble nails (which I still can't figure out).
Let me know what you think, and feel free to share your ideas and how you put it to use! (:

- Hakuna Matata -

A Little About Me

My name is Tasha.

I grew up with a big family in a small town in Pennsylvania. I attended Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, PA for 2 years before deciding I had no idea what I really wanted to be 'when I grew up.' So here I am, a 22 year old college dropout doing what I can to get by, with no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life (besides be a bartender, why? I don't know). Typical...

I like to consider myself an artist. I love photography, painting, drawing and crafting. I love DIY, and a lot of people ask me how I do my 'projects,' hence why I made a blog!

Things that influence me in my art -

  • Nature
  • Art
  • People
  • Emotions
  • Love

I have a wonderful boyfriend, who puts up with me always. This love I have for him I've never felt before, and I'm so thankful for him. He's the reason behind the beauty posts that will be in this blog. I love looking pretty for him, but unfortunately, with work, I do not have all the time in the world to get ready, or the money to look like an elegant princess everyday of my life. For those of you who may have a hectic and busy life, these posts WILL help you, I promise! I'm always on the hunt for easy, simple styles and ideas for my hair, nails, etc. and I plan to share them with you. (: 

Speaking of boyfriends, mine just started jamming to Mac Miller, and now my brain can't think, so for now, my about me post is done (haha). If you have any questions or ideas, please leave me a comment! I can't wait to start on my blogging journey! So here we go...

Off to try and style my blog a little to make it a little more personal and 'me'

- Hakuna Matata -

Welcome ^^

Yay, new blog. I love blogging, and I've gotten away from it the past few years, so I decided to start up once again. This time, I'm blogging for real - with cool DIY projects I do (and others I find), recipes and beauty ideas/tips. Pretty much everything I use in my real life to get by! I will also be including a section on my very own 'Pinterest' idea fails, because, well, they're absolutely hilarious. But that will be in time.

For now, I'm going to give you a little bit about me, and a few posts to get going, then we'll get into extras. I'll also be occasionally posting about me and my life and what's going on. Hope you like the blog. (: