Thursday, March 21, 2013

DIY Wall Art

Yep, pinterest-inspired art for the wall. Here's how mine turned out. Have you tried it?! Show me?
If you haven't, would you like to try it?

All your need is a hairdryer, crayons and tape!

1. Peel off crayon wrappers and decide on colors.
(Now is also when you would want to lay tape down on your canvas to make designs or words where the melted crayon WILL NOT be)

2. Tape a row of crayons onto top of canvas or other material (I used a thick cardstock paper, but the colors did bleed a little)

3. Set hairdryer on low (or high if you're impatient, but you don't have as much personal direction) and heat crayons. You'll see they start melting and dripping down the page, mixing together to create a one-of-a-kind, bright piece of artwork!

4. Frame if you'd like, or just hang on the wall as-is. Isn't it gorgeous!? And guess what, no one else has that artwork, ever, in the history of mankind! Isn't that cool to think about? Even if you're not an artist, this is a simple, easy DIY you can do with things you have sitting around the house that can give you a once in a lifetime piece of art!

Hope you enjoy trying it yourself, sometime I'll add photos to the steps, but right now, I do not have a hairdryer! Oh the pains...

- Hakuna Matata -

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