Thursday, March 21, 2013

Custom Iphone Cases - DIY

Sick of buying a cool $20 phone case just to see twenty people the next day with the same case?? Me too. So I was on a hunt for phone cases that wouldn't break the budget, because I'm addicted to phone cases and I switch mine out, ALL THE TIME. Of course I love phone cases from Urban Outfitters , like these...

I like quirky phone cases. Since you can't do a lot of customization with Iphones, the case is pretty much my most important part of my phone. It shows a little part about me or my mood. As I said before, my problem is, my tastes and moods change EVERYDAY. And I absolutely  afford a million different phone cases that are $15+ not including shipping. So what did I do? I improvised!

Check out my phone currently.
Notice how similar it looks to the $20 one from Urban Outfitters? Too bad it was only $3! But the best part about this case...

I can change the look, anytime, anywhere, in about 2 minutes. (Sorry you can't really see the colors, but its now a striped case, my webcam is awful). So, want to know how to do it??

With a little bit of time and around $3, you too can have this very versatile and customizable phone case.

Step 1 - Go to and search for clear phone cases. Here's the one I got. It's $1.65 + free shipping. Order it!

Step 2 - Here's where the time comes in...waiting for a phone case to ship from Hong Kong (I believe) takes a while. I got mine in less than two weeks.

Step 3 - If you're an artist like me, you can start working on little doodles or designs or paintings you would like to show off for your new case when you get it. When I'm pressed for time, I just use tissue paper, so if you're not an artist, no worries - I will include other ideas for you! **hint: the thinner the paper the better, if possible, use a sheet of printer papers to draw on. Card stock can make it a little to thick so the case won't actually clip onto your phone!

Step 4 - When the case FINALLY arrives (trust me, you'll be running to the mail box everyday...a little exercise doesn't hurt anyway), you can feel free to customize it however you would like! Here's some ideas you can use to make your phone case totally YOU.

  • Paintings -free
  • Drawings -free
  • Tissue paper (that is what I used in my above example pictures) from the dollar store -$1
  • Printed paper -free (if you have a printer)
  • Ticket stubs/Momentos -depends
Here's some ideas of what you could use if you're not so creatively-inclined...
Funny photos (you'll be the only one with this case)
Photos of places you love, or have visited.  

designs ( I personally love Aztec)
Your personal photos (hi boyfriend!)

The possibilities are ENDLESS! Please post your own creations if you try, I would love to see them! Have fun, and don't forget to switch out your phone cases all the time! Keep everyone guessing, eventually all your friends will want to know where you get your awesome and creative cases!

- Hakuna Matata -

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