Saturday, March 23, 2013

Chevron Nail Tutorial

So I promised some nail tutorials. I thought I'd start out with one of my personal favorites, the chevron nail. It's huge this Spring, and will be a great technique for some seriously cute Easter nails (Easter egg's anyone?)! Want to know how to do it? I will be teaching you with a few of my personal favorite colors that work well, especially for spring! Though, you can use any color you'd like (:

Step 1 - Gather supplies. You'll need two colors of polish (I used L.A. Colors from the dollar store in Bloom and Finger Paints from Sally's Beauty Supply in Cupcake Heaven), a clear topcoat, tape and scissors.

Step 2 - Paint a base coat onto nail in one color. Let dry and paint a second if necessary. MAKE SURE BASE COAT IS DRIED COMPLETELY.

Step 3 - Cut very thin, long pieces of tape, try and get them at straight and even as possible. For on nail, you will need 3-4 skinny strips (possibly more).

Step 4 - Cut thing strips of tape into equal sized little rectangles. These pieces will be used to create the 'chevron' look on the nail. It's hard to see where the tape is in my photo, so I'll use this photo as a guide. See where the tape is cut into strips then laid in a zigzag pattern? This is the look you want to go for. Try and my the lines as even as possible.

Step 5 - Paint over with your other color choice. Mine is a light blue. It doesn't have to be perfect, and the tape will guide the paint to where it needs to be without covering the contrasting color. Let dry.

Step 6 - After polish has dried, SLOWLY and carefully peel tape off. I peeled each piece off separately to try and get it as even as possible without lifting the color off the base coat.

Step 7 - Finish with a clear top coat. There you go, easy chevron nails that look like the cutest little Easter egg. Feel free to add any decoration you'd like (see my very first photo in this post, I added a little white strip to mine). You could do dots, glitter, little stripes, anything! Be creative!

Hopefully yours turnes out better than mine, as I was so tired after work I didn't slow down enough to get it perfect. The more time you have and the slower you go, the better your finished product will be! Good luck trying it out, and let me know how yours turns out and what color combinations you like best!

- Hakuna Matata -

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